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wiki:go_west [2024/02/06 08:36] norbertwiki:go_west [2024/07/12 03:34] (aktuell) – [Literatur] norbert
Zeile 10: Zeile 10:
   * 1849 ''Hastings, Lansford Warren''\\ //A new history of Oregon and California://\\ containing complete descriptions of those countries, together with the Oregon treaty and correspondence, and a vast amount of information relating to the soil, climate, productions, rivers and lakes, and the various routes over the Rocky Mountains.\\ Cincinnati: G. Conclin, stereotyped by E. Shepard.   * 1849 ''Hastings, Lansford Warren''\\ //A new history of Oregon and California://\\ containing complete descriptions of those countries, together with the Oregon treaty and correspondence, and a vast amount of information relating to the soil, climate, productions, rivers and lakes, and the various routes over the Rocky Mountains.\\ Cincinnati: G. Conclin, stereotyped by E. Shepard.
   * 1858 ''Frémont, John Charles''\\ //The exploring expedition to the Rocky Mountains, Oregon and California//\\ by Brevet Col. J.C. Fremont, to which is added a description of the physical geography of California. With recent notices of the gold region from the latest and most authentic sources.\\ New York and Auburn: Miller, Orton & Mulligan   * 1858 ''Frémont, John Charles''\\ //The exploring expedition to the Rocky Mountains, Oregon and California//\\ by Brevet Col. J.C. Fremont, to which is added a description of the physical geography of California. With recent notices of the gold region from the latest and most authentic sources.\\ New York and Auburn: Miller, Orton & Mulligan
 +    * ''Carvalho, Solomon Nunes''\\ //Incidents of Travel and Adventure in the Far West with Fremont's last Expedition across the Rocky Mountains including Three Months' Residence in Utah, and a Perilous Trip across the Great American Desert to the Pacific.//\\ 380 S. New York 1857: Derby & Jackson. [[|Online]]\\ Zusammenfassung: Solomon Nunes Carvalho aus Baltimore folgte 1853 John Fremonts Einladung sich dessen fünften Expedition anzuschließen. Ziel war es, die beste Überlandroute nach Kalifornien zu finden. Carvalho war der erste jüdische Schriftsteller, der über den Großen Amerikanischen Westen berichtete.
   * 1863 ''Marcy, Randolph B., Richard Francis Burton, Francis Galton, Karl Pearson.''\\ //The prairie traveller//\\ A hand-book for overland expeditions\\ with illustrations, and itineraries of the principal routes between the Mississippi and the Pacific, and a map.\\ London: Trübner and Co.    * 1863 ''Marcy, Randolph B., Richard Francis Burton, Francis Galton, Karl Pearson.''\\ //The prairie traveller//\\ A hand-book for overland expeditions\\ with illustrations, and itineraries of the principal routes between the Mississippi and the Pacific, and a map.\\ London: Trübner and Co. 
 ==== Literatur ==== ==== Literatur ====
-westward movement  
-  * ''Francis Parkman''\\ //The Oregon Trail// +  * ''Francis Parkman'' Jr.  (1823–1893) \\//The Oregon Trail: Sketches of Prairie and Rocky-Mountain Life//\\ 416 S. 1847. [[|Online]] 
-  * ''Mark Twain''\\ //Roughing It//+    * ''Scott F. Holman''\\ //On the road again : the influence of Francis Parkman's "The Oregon Trail" on Jack Kerouac's "On the Road.//\\ Dissertation 208 S. Pocatello, Idaho 2016: Idaho State University 
   * ''Barnard, Edward''\\ //Story of the Great American West//\\ New York: Reader’s Digest, 1977   * ''Barnard, Edward''\\ //Story of the Great American West//\\ New York: Reader’s Digest, 1977
wiki/go_west.1707208607.txt.gz · Zuletzt geändert: 2024/02/06 08:36 von norbert

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