====== Natural Mapping - Literaturliste ====== → [[wiki:kartographie|Kartographie]], → [[wiki:fuehrer|Führer]], → [[wiki:orientierung|Orientierung]] und → [[wiki:navigation|Navigation]] * ''Blaut, James M.''\\ //Natural Mapping.//\\ Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 16 (1991) 55-74. * ''Wolfgang Dröber''\\ //[[wiki:kartographie|Kartographie]] bei den Naturvölkern//\\ Phil. Diss. Erlangen 1903: Junge und Sohn.\\ (=Programm der Kgl. Realschule Erlangen f.d.Schuljahr 1902/1903).\\ Nachgedruckt Amsterdam 1964 (Meridian) und Osnabrück 1985 (R. Kuballe) * ''Ender, Barbara''\\ //Subverting the Western Gaze: Mapping Alternative Worlds.//\\ S. 31-45 in: Peter J. Ucko & Robert Layton (Hg.): The Archaeology and Anthropology of Landscape: Shaping Your Landscape. London & New York 1999: Routledge. * ''Hutorowicz, H. de''\\ //Maps of Primitive Peoples.//\\ American Geographical Society 43 (1911) 669-679.\\ (eine gekürzte Übersetzung von: ''Adler, B. F.''\\ //Karty Piervobytnyk Narodov.//\\ Izviestia Impieratorskavo Obshchestva Lubitielei Estiestvoznania, Antropologii i Etnografii CXIX, Trudy Geograficheskavo Otdielienia II, 1910). * ''David Turnbull''\\ //Maps Are Territories, Science Is an Atlas: A Portfolio of Exhibits.//\\ Geelong 1989, Victoria: Deakin University; = Chicago 1993: University of Chicago Press. VI, 66 S. \\In 10 Kapiteln ("exhibits") werden unterschiedliche Kartenkonzepte aus verschiedenen Kulturräumen vorgestellt. ==== Afrika ==== * ''Thomas J. Bassett''\\ //Indigenous Mapmaking in Intertropical Africa//.\\ S. 24-48 in: David Woodward; G. Malcolm Lewis (Hg.): Cartography in the Traditional African, American, Arctic, Australian, and Pacific Societies (Chicago, University of Chicago Press, 1998) [[https://press.uchicago.edu/books/HOC/HOC_V2_B3/HOC_VOLUME2_Book3_chapter3.pdf|Online]] * ''Widlok, Thomas''\\ //Orientation in the Wild: The Shared Cognition of Hai||om Bushpeople.//\\ Man: The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 3 (1997) 317-332. [[https://www.jstor.org/stable/3035022|Online]] * ''Camille Lefebvre'', ''Isabelle Surun''\\ //Exploration et transferts de savoir.\\ Deux cartes produites par des Africains au début du 19e siècle.//\\ Mappe Monde 2008, 4 (92), S. 1-24. [[https://shs.hal.science/halshs-00682112|Online]] * ''Ulrike Luttenberger''\\ //Raumwissenstransfer in Westafrika im 19. Jahrhundert. 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Archives: a comparison of five area maps recorded by Peter Fidler, 1801-1802//.\\ Archivaria 21 (1985-1986) 166-175 * ''Belyea, Barbara''\\ //Amerindian Maps: The Explorer as Translator.//\\ Journal of Historical Geography 18.3 (1992) 267-277 * ''Brody, Hugh''\\ //Maps and Dreams: Indians and the British Columbia Frontier.//\\ London & Boston 1981: Faber & Faber. * ''Burland, Cottie A.''\\ //American Indian mapmakers//.\\ Geographical Magazine 20 (1947-1948) 285-292 * ''DeVorsey, Louis''\\ //Amerindian contributions to the mapping of North America: a preliminary view//.\\ Imago Mundi 30 (1978) 71-78 * ''Flatness, James A.''\\ //Geography and Map Division//.\\ S. 186-223 in: Patrick Frazier (Hg.): Many nations: a Library of Congress resource guide for the study of Indian and Alaska native peoples of the United States. 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Malcolm''\\ //Indicators of unacknowledged assimilations from Amerindian maps of Euro-American maps of North America: some general principles arising from a study of La Vérendrye's composite map 1728-29//.\\ Imago Mundi 38 (1986) 9-34 * ''Lewis, G. Malcolm''\\ //Misinterpretation of Amerindian information as a source of error on Euro-American maps//.\\ Annals of the Association of American Geographers 77.4 (1987) 542-563 * ''Lewis, G. Malcolm''\\ //Origins of cartography in The History of cartography.//\\ S. 50-53 in: J.B. Harley; David Woodward: Band 1 Chicago 1987: University of Chicago Press. * ''Lewis, G. Malcolm''\\ //The Indigenous maps and mapping of North American Indians//.\\ The Map Collector 9 (December 1979) 25-32 * ''Moodie, Wayne''; ''Barry Kaye''\\ //The Ac Ko Mok Ki map//.\\ The Beaver 307.4 (1977) 4-15 * ''Norona, Delf''\\ //Maps drawn by Indians in the Virginias in West Virginia//.\\ Archaeologist 2 (1950) 12-19 * ''Norona, Delf''\\ //Maps drawn by North American Indians//.\\ Bulletin of the Eastern States Archaeological Federation 10 (1951) 6 * ''Pentland, David H.''\\ ''Cartographic concepts of the Northern Algonquians''.\\ Canadian Cartographer 12 (1975) 149-160 * ''Ronda, James P.''\\ //'A Chart in his way'. Indian cartography and the Lewis and Clark Expedition in Mapping the North American Plains: essays in the history of cartography//.\\ S. 81-91 in: Frederick C. Luebke, et al. (Hg.): Norman 1987: University of Oklahoma Press. * ''Thiessen, Thomas D.'', ''W. Raymond Wood''; ''A. Wesley Jones''\\ //The Sitting Rabbit 1907 map of the Missouri River in North Dakota//.\\ Plains Anthropologist 24.1 (1979) 145-167 * ''Warhus, Mark''\\ //Another America: Native American Maps and the History of Our Land.//\\ New York 1997: St. Martins’s Press. * ''Warhus, Mark''\\ //Cartographic encounters: an exhibition of Native American maps from Central Mexico to the Arctic in Mapline//.\\ special no. 7 (September 1993) 1-24 * ''Warkentin, John''; ''Richard I. Ruggles''\\ //Manitoba historical atlas. a selection of facsimile maps, plans, and sketches from 1612-1969//.\\ Winnipeg: Historical and Scientific Society of Manitoba, 1970, S. 72-73; 86-91 * ''Waselkov, Gregory A.''\\ //Indian maps of the colonial southeast//.\\ S. 292-343 in: Peter H. Wood et al.: Powhatan's mantle: Indians in the colonial southeast. Lincoln 1989: University of Nebraska Press. ==== Arktis mit Kanada, Alaska ==== * ''Bagrow, Leo''\\ //Eskimo Maps.//\\ In: Leo Bagrow (Hg.): Imago Mundi: A Review of Early Cartography. 92 S. Ill. Stockholm 1948: Kartografiska Sällskapet. * ''De Laguna, Frederica''\\ //Tlingit concepts of history and geography in her. The Story of a Tlingit community. A problem in the relationship between archaeological, ethnological, and historical methods.//\\ (Bureau of American Ethnology, Bulletin 172) Washington: G.P.O., 1960, S. 16-20 * ''Pelly , David F.''\\ //How Inuit find their Way in the Trackless Arctic.//\\ Canadian Geographic Aug./Sep. 1991, S. 58–64. * ''Spink, John'' & ''Moodie, D. W.''\\ //Eskimo Maps from the Canadian Eastern Arctic.//\\ Toronto 1972: Bernard V. Gutsell (=Cartographica Monograph, 5) ==== Papua New Guinea ==== * ''Kline Silverman, Eric''\\ //Traditional Cartography in Papua New Guinea.//\\ S. 423-442in: David Woodward & G. Malcolm Lewis (Hg.): The History of Cartography, 2: Cartography in the Traditional African, American, Arctic, Australian, and Pacific Societies, Book 3. Chicago & London 1998: The University of Chicago Press. * ''Wassmann, Jürg''\\ //Worlds in Mind: The Experience of an Outside World in a Community of the Finisterre Range of Papua New Guinea.//\\ Oceania 64 (1993) 117-145 * ''Wassmann, Jürg''\\ //Finding the Right Path: The Route Knowledge of the Yupno of Papua New Guinea.//\\ S. 143-174 in: Günter Senft (Hg.): Referring to Space. Oxford 1998: Oxford University Press. ==== Australien ==== * ''Lewis, David''\\ //Observations on Route Finding and Spatial Orientation among the Aboriginal Peoples of the Western Desert Region of Central Australia.//\\ Oceania 46.4 (1976) 249-282. ==== Ozeanien ==== * ''Turnbull, David''\\ //Mapping the World in the Mind: An Investigation of the Unwritten Knowledge of the Micronesian Navigators.//\\ Victoria 1991: Deakin University Press * ''Gladwin , Thomas''\\ //East is a Big Bird: Navigation and Logic on Puluwat Atoll.//\\ Cambridge & London 1970: Harvard University Press. * ''Genz, Joseph''\\ //Complementarity of Cognitive and Experiential Ways of Knowing the Ocean in Marshallese Navigation.//\\ Ethos 42.3 (2014) 332–51. [[https://www.jstor.org/stable/24029890 |Online]] ==== Europäische Seefahrer (Mittelalter) ==== * ''Frake, Charles O.''\\ //Cognitive Maps of Time and Tide among Medieval Seafarers.//\\ Man: The Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute 20 (1985) 254-270.